International 学生 Degrees and 招生

Study in America at Gwynedd Mercy University

格温内斯默西大学欢迎想要在美国大学获得学位的国际学生. 我们的145英亩, private campus provides a perfect home away from home, where you can meet new friends, immerse yourself in American culture, 发展你需要的知识和技能,在你的职业生涯和社区中有所作为.

When international students graduate from GMercyU, 他们为事业上的成功做好了准备,并准备好过有意义和有价值的富有成效的生活——无论他们在世界上的哪个地方称之为家.


GMercyU International 学生 Admission Requirements

At GMercyU, welcoming international students to campus is important to us! That’s why we have simplified the admissions process.


1. 完成 online undergraduate admissions application.

2. GMercyU will 不 require applicants for Fall 2022 to submit standardized 测试 scores.

If you choose 不 to submit an SAT or ACT score, 如果你申请以下任何一个项目,你需要提交额外的项目来完成你的申请文件:

  • Accounting - CPA Track
  • 生物学
  • Education (This program requires a U.S. 社会安全号码,以完成所需的背景调查,并参加教师资格考试.)*
  • Nursing (This program requires a U.S. 社会安全号码,以完成所需的背景调查,并参加执照考试.)*
  • Radiation Therapy (This program requires a U.S. Social Security Number to complete the required background check.)*
  • Respiratory Care (This program requires a U.S. Social Security Number to complete the required background check.)*

If you are applying to one of the programs listed above, you will need to:

  1. 提交一封老师的推荐信,推荐的科目与他们想要的专业相关.g.如果学生正在申请GMercyU的生物课程,则为生物老师。
  2. 与GMercyU招生团队的一名成员安排一次面对面或虚拟面试

其他课程不需要推荐信,但推荐. 如果提交, 推荐信应该讨论申请人作为一名大学生的性格和前途.

其他申请人 五月 在申请审查过程中,还需要提交一篇论文或个人陈述和/或被要求参加面试.

3. Have your transcript evaluated.

4. Specific departments 五月 have additional requirements.

5. Score at least a 79 on the Internet-based 托福考试 测试或6分.0 雅思考试 测试.
  • 托福和雅思成绩低于最低分数将根据具体情况考虑.
  • International students whose native langu年龄 is English are required to submit scores.
  • International students are 免除 from submitting 托福考试 scores if they score high enough on the SAT or ACT.
    • SAT: minimum score of 500 in evidence-based reading and writing
    • ACT: earn a 22 composite score or higher

Please submit your foreign transcript evaluation report, recommendation letters (optional), and other necessary documents to:

Office of 招生
Gwynedd Mercy University
1325 Sumneytown Pike
P.O. 901箱
Gwynedd Valley, PA 19437

Along with your application, you will need to:

  • 令人满意地完成(或目前注册)至少16个单位的规定和选修科目,如你的高中成绩单上所示:
  • English: 4 units
    • Mathematics: 3 units
    • Science: 3 units
    • 历史:1个单位
    • College preparatory electives: 3 units
  • First-Year 学生s must have a cumulative GPA of at least 2.5.
  • 有些专业,如护理专业,有更高的GPA和课程要求. 联系招生办公室或参考本科目录了解更多细节.

International students who apply to education, 护理和健康专业课程必须有能力获得在临床/学校环境中安置所需的背景筛选,并在选择注册之前应审查州许可要求. 美国.S. background screening process requires a U.S. Social Security Number.

U.S. 公民身份或永久居留权是某些学术课程许可的要求. 国际学生和DACA身份下的学生或无证件的学生在参加学位课程之前应该仔细审查他们所在州的许可证要求,从而获得许可证. Additional information can be found on the National Conference of State Legislatures website.

SAT and ACT Test Scores

申请2022-2023学年入学的学生不需要提交SAT或ACT考试成绩, but they are welcome to do so.

  • If you choose to submit SAT or ACT scores, 你可以从考试机构直接寄给格温内斯默西大学,或者作为你正式高中成绩单的一部分. Our SAT code is 2278. Our ACT code is 3583.
  • 申请上述任何课程的学生,如果选择提交SAT或ACT成绩,则不需要提交推荐信或安排招生面试.

如果你已经完成了高中(中学),并在美国或海外的学院或大学就读,并获得了 24 or more transferable credit hours, you should apply as a transfer student.

Application materials needed for an international transfer student:

Applicants who have had nursing education outside of the U.S. must have transcripts evaluated by CGFNS. 除了, International students who apply to education, 护理和健康专业课程必须有能力获得在临床/学校环境中安置所需的背景筛选,并在选择注册之前应审查州许可要求. 美国.S. background screening process requires a U.S. Social Security Number.

U.S. 公民身份或永久居留权是某些学术课程许可的要求. 国际学生和DACA身份下的学生或无证件的学生在参加学位课程之前应该仔细审查他们所在州的许可证要求,从而获得许可证. Additional information can be found on the National Conference of State Legislatures website.

Please call our 招生 Office at 800-342-5462 如果你有摆脱电子游戏mg官方网站如何申请转学生或了解哪些学分可以转移的问题.

Scholarships for F-1 Visa International 学生s

To make your American education even more affordable, 国际学生可能有资格获得格温内斯默西大学本科奖学金.

Scholarships for International First-Year 学生s

对于以前没有在任何高等院校或大学注册的国际学生, 你可能有资格获得一年级学生奖学金 Scholarships p年龄.


For international students transferring from a不her college or university, you also 五月 be eligible for one of our Transfer Scholarships. 了解更多摆脱电子游戏mg官方网站 GMercyU's Scholarships p年龄.

International 学生 Support from GMercyU

GMercyU的国际学生联络处为国际学生和学者提供签证相关问题的支持和建议, work authorization and more. We’re committed to assisting students in a timely and accurate way.

If you have questions, please feel free to email Jesse Ruhl at 鲁尔 or call 215-646-7300, ext: 21584.

How to Maintain Your U.S. 学生签证

如果你是现在的德国工商大学国际学生,保持你的美国学位是至关重要的.S. student visa to avoid problems with U.S. 公民身份 & Immigration 服务s. Here are a few things GMercyU international students in the U.S. 应该做的是:

  1. 阅读并回复来自GMercyU国际项目办公室的所有电子邮件
  2. 每学期修满课程(本科生12学分,研究生9学分)
  3. 告诉国际项目办公室你生活中的重大变化(地址或专业的变化), plans to take a leave of absence, class withdrawals, 等.)
    Work only with authorization
  4. Get a travel signature before traveling outside of the U.S.
  5. Abide by grace periods. You 五月 enter the U.S. 在课程开始前30天,并且必须在课程结束后60天内离开该国.

Scholarships for F-1 Visa International 学生s

To make your American education even more affordable, 国际学生可能有资格获得格温内斯默西大学本科奖学金.  

Scholarships for International First-Year 学生s
对于以前没有在任何高等院校或大学注册的国际学生, 你可能有资格获得一年级学生奖学金 Scholarships p年龄.

For international students transferring from a不her college or university, you also 五月 be eligible for one of our Transfer Scholarships. 了解更多摆脱电子游戏mg官方网站 GMercyU's Scholarships p年龄.

International 学生 Support from GMercyU

GMercyU的国际学生联络处为国际学生和学者提供签证相关问题的支持和建议, work authorization and more. We’re committed to assisting students in a timely and accurate way.

If you have questions, please feel free to email Jesse Ruhl at 鲁尔 or call 215-646-7300, ext: 21584.

How to Maintain Your U.S. 学生签证

如果你是现在的德国工商大学国际学生,保持你的美国学位是至关重要的.S. student visa to avoid problems with U.S. 公民身份 & Immigration 服务s. Here are a few things GMercyU international students in the U.S. 应该做的是:

  1. 阅读并回复来自GMercyU国际项目办公室的所有电子邮件
  2. 每学期修满课程(本科生12学分,研究生9学分)
  3. 告诉国际项目办公室你生活中的重大变化(地址或专业的变化), plans to take a leave of absence, class withdrawals, 等.)
  4. Work only with authorization
  5. Get a travel signature before traveling outside of the U.S.
  6. Abide by grace periods. You 五月 enter the U.S. 在课程开始前30天,并且必须在课程结束后60天内离开该国.